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Announcements / 2CA Discord server
« Last post by GregButcher on May 15, 2020, 08:43:42 PM »
Hello everyone, after all this time! I hope you all are safe and healthy in these troubling times. Every once in a while I still stumble upon to this site hoping someones around, and I was happy to see some people still texting in the shoutbox.

So I'm taking this opportunity to reach out to any of you left around here to say that I set up a Discord server for 2CA which you can join under the following link:

Feel free to join and reach out to any of the other guys you have kept in contact from our time in Planetside, whatever game youre playing anyway, I just want to keep in contact with as many of you as I can, since I really treasure the fun memories we had together, and miss you all :) Gooey shit aside, stay safe and take care boys!

P.S. Feel free to invite along any old PS2 folks or people we played with regardless of outfit or faction :)
Announcements / Re: Teamspeak server moving!
« Last post by Hirvi on April 13, 2016, 02:29:25 PM »
Thanks for the info!  :)
Announcements / Teamspeak server moving!
« Last post by GregButcher on April 05, 2016, 08:40:38 PM »
Hey guys, I see nobody wrote about it here, but the TS adress is closing down, but the new adress is already up and running, use it and save it: ts3.deor.co.uk
Announcements / Re: Forum Moves
« Last post by Deor on October 29, 2015, 09:22:35 PM »
Yeah same server.
TS is still on the old box but im rebuilding it tomorrow now ive moved everything else off.
Announcements / Re: Forum Moves
« Last post by ProtectorOfTR on October 29, 2015, 05:15:34 PM »
Was the TS also down?
Announcements / Forum Moves
« Last post by Deor on October 29, 2015, 12:14:22 PM »
Just moved the forum to a new host. all looks ok but let me know if you find any issues.
Announcements / Re: Smed steps down
« Last post by Kublai on July 23, 2015, 03:00:00 PM »
Only 3 years to late...
 And that build mistress is totally hopeless.
Announcements / Re: Smed steps down
« Last post by Hirvi on July 23, 2015, 02:54:46 PM »
Dunno about that but the bitch who broke every patch in the past is coming back. And everybody is congratulating her.

Also wasn't the mega patch PlanetSide 2 version 2 going to come out in September? What a coincidence
Announcements / Re: Smed steps down
« Last post by DuSilence on July 23, 2015, 02:54:17 PM »
Can't say for sure, but he's been in charge of plenty of shitty projects on PS2 to give me hope for something better.
Announcements / Re: Smed steps down
« Last post by Sosaille on July 23, 2015, 11:13:01 AM »
DRAMA OVERLOAD WOOOOOOT DRAMA http://imgur.com/r/ronpaulshops/vwMin
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